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An has a PhD in Ecology and has been active in conservation and nature restoration in Europe, Africa and Asia for more than 20 years. She graduated as an Ecological Consultant in December 2023 after a 2-year course in Ecological Garden and Landscape Design at Inverde (ETLI). An exciting addition to her knowledge and experience as an ecologist. During this course, she and her partner, Frank set to work in their own garden to add more native flowers to attract more insects and birds. An loves photography and writes content for the social media and blog.

Frank is a biological engineer, drone pilot and computer scientist. He focuses on all things edible in the garden. You can often find him in the vegetable garden or by the berry bushes. Frank is currently in his second year of a course in natural vegetable gardening at Cercle des Naturalistes de Belgique (CNB). Frank also looks after the graphic aspect of IMBY and provides technical support for the website, blog and newsletter. He is a talented drone pilot with experience in aerial photography

An and Frank set to work together in their own garden after moving to Andenne (Province of Namur) in 2020. They transformed a tight lawn with a few fruit trees into a true ecological oasis with a pond, flower meadow, more shrubs, lots of berries and borders with perennials. You can read more about it in the first blog. Since 2021, they have been giving ecological gardening advice to friends and family. They are now developing this professionally so that more people enjoy their natural gardens.
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Ecologisch adviseur - Trained by Inverde Le réseau nature Velt
Azuria Drone Entity Island stories of change